It seems like I and people working for me have been doing nothing
but this type of thing with the SETI literature for the past 2 years.
I've already got a section on the limits-to-computing online, so
adding an AI section with some of Lenat's work would be fairly
straight forward.
I'll send you an offline email as to where to send a copy.
It might take a couple of months. [The real nightmare we
have to do at some point is Von Neumann's work on self-replicating
machines. The problem is the book has a number of strange
equations and diagrams that turn a simple text conversion
process into a nightmare.]
Thu, 6 Apr 2000, Eliezer S. Yudkowsky wrote:
> I've been getting several requests for copies of Douglas Lenat's
> articles on Eurisko. I have a set of xeroxes, and I suppose I could
> rexerox them, but what'd be really useful is an etext version. I really
> don't want to type it all up personally, and it strikes me that there
> ought to be a better way, so: Does anyone know of a place that does
> print-to-etext work? The xeroxes I have curve near the center of the
> page - it'd probably require significant human effort in addition to
> direct OCR.
> If the price is within reach of three or four people, I'll see if we can
> club up and make Lenat's papers available online - or, if copyright law
> / Lenat would prevent publication, we could at least quietly distribute
> copies among ourselves.
> --
> sentience@pobox.com Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
> http://pobox.com/~sentience/beyond.html
> Member, Extropy Institute
> Senior Associate, Foresight Institute
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