new website and issue for The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies

From: Technotranscendence (
Date: Wed Apr 05 2000 - 22:56:34 MDT

A brand new indexed website for The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies has debuted

It features information on the new issue, which will be distributed in the
coming weeks to subscribers. The new Spring 2000 issue (Vol. 1, No. 2)
features the following essays:

The Role of Tragedy in Ayn Rand's Fiction - Kirsti Minsaas

The Universality and Employment of Concepts - Bryan Register

Rand on Abortion: A Critique - Gregory R. Johnson and David Rasmussen

Review essays:
Ayn Rand: A Feminist Despite Herself? - Lisa M. Dolling
(a review of Gladstein and Sciabarra's FEMINIST INTERPRETATIONS OF AYN RAND)

Egoism and Benevolence - Tibor R. Machan
(a review of David Kelley's UNRUGGED INDIVIDUALISM)

A Veteran Reconnoiters Ayn Rand's Philosophy - Robert L. Campbell
(a review of Tibor Machan's AYN RAND)

The Art of Fiction - Stephen Cox
(a review of the new Boeckmann edited book)

A Guide to Rand Scholarship - Matthew Stoloff
(a review of Gladstein's NEW AYN RAND COMPANION, and the debut of an
ongoing bibliographic reference guide to new literature on Rand and

Check out the website for full abstracts and contributor biographies, a
style guide for submissions, and subscription information.

Chris Matthew Sciabarra, Visiting Scholar
NYU Department of Politics
715 Broadway
New York, New York 10003-6806
Dialectics and Liberty Website:
Frequent Updates:
Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand:
The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies Website:
       Total Freedom is Coming . . .

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