>From: "Billy Brown" <bbrown@transcient.com>
>Zero Powers wrote:
> > >From: Adrian Tymes <wingcat@pacbell.net>
> > >Just a theory, but maybe...
> > >
> > >* In order to effectively use these technologies, one must acquire a
> > > lot of knowledge.
> > >* In the process of acquiring said knowledge, people typically learn of
> > > ways to solve problems better (cheaper/faster/more effective) than
> > > violence and mass slaughter.
> >
> > My theory: R-E-T-A-L-I-A-T-I-O-N
> >
> > Can you imagine the vengence which would be unleashed on some penny-ante
> > tyrant if he unleashed a biotech attack on the US or its close allies?
> > KA-friggin-BOOM brother!
>What about terrorists, mail bombers, and general nutcases? Retaliation
>isn't a big issue for them - they already face death if caught, and it is
>hard to imagine a bigger manhunt than the ones they already trigger with
>spectacular conventional attacks.
Right. Which leads me to believe that your average terrorists, mail
bombers, and general nutcases do not have access to this technology.
Otherwise they'd use it.
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