At 05:19 PM 4/04/00 -0400, Robert wrote:
>Of course I'll point out before one of our rocket jocks jumps
>on it, that Venus Lite is going to require some changes in its
>orbital velocity...
WhY? Because mass-driving all that matter out of the pithed planet will
kick hard? Fire it off in all directions, or just hither and yon, to and
fro, forward and aft, carefully.
>Just out of curiosity, if you make the
>planet 1/10th its former mass (with the same volume), how
>much are you going to have to change the length of its year?
Why should it have any effect? An asteroid at 1 AU would take a year to jog
around, surely. A Jovian ditto.
[but what would I know?]
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