Re: Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand

Natasha Vita-More (
Sat, 06 Feb 1999 17:58:54 -0600

Thanks for posting this. Two of the contributing authors are extropians
(McElroy and Presley). I haven't read it yet, but it looks good.

Although it is not currently PC to be a feminist, it is important to recognize the feminist movement. Most of the press comes from a few schools of feminism (such as National Organization of Women and Religious Right Feminists) that are reactionary rather than progressive.

There are many contemporary closet feminists who are very extropic in their thinking but do not embrace transhumanism as a social enticement.

In the new culture of Hip-Hop feminism, a sense of balance can be heard in female rap sounds. These females are progressive by using their voices for storytelling, and using their platform for making their own deals and/or owning music business, studio, record co., talent agency.

Rand would not have been a good candidate for some of the feminist profiles
(moralistic religious, dyke man-beating, female affirmative action,
grrls-support-system, or lesbian media-monger), but would have gained much credence as one who fought for individuality, success, and big emphasis on merit.

Looking back over the centuries of feminism, it has failed in part. It seems to lack kindness and compassion, affection and gentility -- qualities that are lovable in a person and people.

Wendy McElroy (author of XXX: A Woman's Right to Pornography (St. Martin's Press, 1995) and Sexual Correctness: The Gender-Feminist Attack on Women
(McFarland, 1996). She is the editor of the anthology, Freedom, Feminism,
and the State (Cato Institute, 1982), now in its third edition. She is a freelance writer whose articles have appeared in publications as diverse as National Review and Marie Claire. She is a feminist lecturer, most recently at the International Congress on Prostitution sponsored by the California State University, Northridge, and at the Wisconsin Scholars' Society, University of Madison.)

Sharon Presley ( received her Ph.D. in social psychology from the City University of New York. She has taught psychology of women and other gender-related courses at California State University, Iowa State University, the College of Wooster, and Weber State College. Her published research includes a study of political resisters to authority, historical papers on women resisters, and a study of Mormon feminists. She is Executive Director of Resources for Independent Thinking, a nonprofit educational organization, and is working on two books: an edited collection of essays by nineteenth-century individualist feminist Voltairine de Cleyre, and Is Gender in Our Genes?, a research-based critique of popular concepts of gender.)

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