Re: School of >H Studies

Alexander 'Sasha' Chislenko (
Wed, 20 Jan 1999 03:41:10 -0500

Maybe, some of this curriculum can be offered as paid workshops before Extropian conferences?

Don't know if any other website is needed. Why not ExI's?

Would you envision the School/workshop giving college credits that could be used towards social/future studies program? What about the online course?

I know many people coming to the extropian mailing lists and gatherings, are frustrated because nobody debates the basics there. I learned to quickly explain why this is so, but the need is still there (maybe, extropian list would have more focused discussions now if its new members were coming through this School).

Existing Web guides, good as they are, also do not completely address the problem of introducing basics to a new visitor. But then, this probably could be worked into >H websites...

Alexander Chislenko <> <> <>