EXPONENT: Members news wanted for next issue

Max More (maxmore@primenet.com)
Mon, 02 Mar 1998 23:15:59 -0800

Extropians: I'm just starting to put the first quarter '98 issue of
Exponent -- the Extropy Institute newsletter -- together. (It's behind
schedule but *will* be out within the first quarter!)

If you are an ExI member and have news (publications, media, progress or
completion of extropically-related projects), job changes of interest,
publications, awards, etc. please let me know. Photos are also helpful to
accompany news items.

What if you have a publication, award, or other item but are not an ExI
member? The solution: Join and send in the item at the same time!


Max More, Ph.D.
UPDATED WEBSITE: New essays, new photos: http://www.primenet.com/~maxmore
President, Extropy Institute: exi-info@extropy.org, http://www.extropy.org