A'bas l'etat!

Twink (neptune@mars.superlink.net)
Thu, 1 Jan 1998 21:19:00 -0500 (EST)

At 01:55 PM 1/1/98 -0800, Hara Ra <harara@shamanics.com> wrote:
>> Smash the state, sure, but then what? While
>> privatizing and pluralizing functions presently performed (mostly
>> brutally, always badly) by monolithic governments will definitely
>> eliminate the State, nothing will eliminate government.
>There are perhaps some functions that governments do now which may still
>be best done by a government. I am not well read enough on privatization
>to really argue this. There may be some global regulatory and military
>functions which suit a governmental model. Others on this list are
>invited to comment.

Some functions of government, such as persecuting people for victimless
crimes, should not be done at all.

Other functions can be privatized, as others have noted. I see no limits on
this process. Every legitimate government function was at one time done

For those interested in further reading on this matter, I suggest the following:
_The Enterprise of Law: Justice Without the State_ by Bruce L. Benson
_For a New Liberty_ by Murray N. Rothbard
_The Machinery of Freedom_ by David Friedman
_Welfare Economics and Externalities in an Open Ended Universe_ by
Roy Cordato

I don't agree with all that is written in these works and they come from a
variety of viewpoints. Benson applies public choice economics to the
realm of law. Rothbard is a hardline Lockean rights advocate. Friedman
is staunchly anti-rights. Cordato argues from Austrian economics to why
there is no need, in principle, for a government.

However, despite their disagreements and differences in approach, they
all provide much food for thought. The historical examples present in
the first three also bolster their theoretical arguments.

Daniel Ust