Re: PHIL/AI: Humongous Lookup Table

Michael Lorrey (
Tue, 18 Feb 1997 18:12:17 -0500 wrote:
> (Hara Ra) writes:
> > wrote:
> >
> >> The lookup table will quickly be
> >> exposed as having no ability to respond to novelty, if you choose to ckeck
> >> that.
> >Not. It all depends on the addressing, and if the table's reply is
> >included in the next address to the table an indefinite sequence of
> >varying replies can be constructed.
> >In other words, the table uses the entire previous conversation as its
> >input, which serves as a memory of what went before.
> I wasn't discussing the hypothetical "ultimate lookup table", which would
> have all possible conversations recorded. My point was in reference to any
> possible lookup table, which necessarily can have only a very limited set
> (and in particular to a table made by recording very many actual
> conversations).
> With any real table it will be easy to construct a sentence that isn't in its
> lookup database, thereby blowing its response and the rest of the
> conversation.

The solution is to operate with more than one type of lookup table, sort
of a super thesaurus/dictionary. One table for definitions, one for
synonyms, one for antonyms, slang, plus grammatical logic, as well as a
mathematics/english translator (which can for example extract data and
operators from a paragraph structure for actual calculation).

Given this, one such AI could even deal with new information by
analysing it and analogizing it to existing knowledge.


Michael Lorrey ------------------------------------------------------------ President Northstar Technologies Agent Inventor of the Lorrey Drive

Website: Now Featuring: Mikey's Animatronic Factory My Own Nuclear Espionage Agency (MONEA) MIKEYMAS(tm): The New Internet Holiday Transhumans of New Hampshire (>HNH) ------------------------------------------------------------ Transhumanist, Inventor, Webmaster, Ski Guide, Entrepreneur, Artist, Outdoorsman, Libertarian, Arms Exporter-see below. ------------------------------------------------------------ #!/usr/local/bin/perl-0777---export-a-crypto-system-sig-RC4-3-lines-PERL @k=unpack('C*',pack('H*',shift));for(@t=@s=0..255){$y=($k[$_%@k]+$s[$x=$_ ]+$y)%256;&S}$x=$y=0;for(unpack('C*',<>)){$x++;$y=($s[$x%=256]+$y)%256; &S;print pack(C,$_^=$s[($s[$x]+$s[$y])%256])}sub S{@s[$x,$y]=@s[$y,$x]}