Announcement of new Website: AnarchoCyberSludge

Hal Dunn (
Wed, 12 Feb 1997 21:01:19 -0500


The AnarchoCyberSludge Website
is up and running
(Finishing touches are being made this month)

This new Website offers loads of information covering these topics:

> Politics
> Technology
> Music

You'll find an informative (and often, irreverant) view of
cyberculture and so-called "cyberlibertarianism:"

Radical politics, the Internet, rock & roll, individualism, anarchy,
encryption, digital cash, extropy, classical liberalism, anomynity,
heavy sludge-metal, cyber-freaks, libertarianism, nanotechnology,
privacy, free-market economics, history, freedom of choice,
anarcho-capitalism, humor, individual responsibility, cyberspace,
memes, science fiction, software, cryonics, Objectivist philosophy,
grunge music, laissez faire, movies, extremism, conspiracy theories,
computers, alternative music, smart drugs, multimedia, art,
entertainment, techno-paganism, & just plain fun.

The technology section currently includes articles on:

> Essential 'Zines
(Extropy, Mondo 2000, Wired)

> Nanotechnology

> The Singularity
(A plurality of definitions)

> The Telomere Theory
(For treating cancer)

> Cyberpunk sci-fi book reviews

> Tech glossaries

The political section currently includes articles on:

> Corporate Welfare
($90 billion of taxpayer money per year)

> Taxpayer-funded education
(The problems with our schools)

> Optimism
(Things are getting better and better!)

> Book reviews
(Anarchy, consensual crimes, Ayn Rand, atheism,
conspiracies, and health care)

> Restitution
(Making the criminals pay the victims)

> What is libertarianism?
(The only just laws are those prohibiting the initiation
of force)

> Old Acid Rain
(Lakes and rivers have been naturally acidic for
hundreds of years)

This Website is updated frequently. Coming in Winter/Spring 1997:

> Experimental Web multimedia (animation w/music)
> The world's smallest political quiz
> FIJA (Fully Informed Jury Association)
> The drug war
> The Freedom Triumvirate: electronic cash, encryption,
& anonymity
> Chaos theory

Hal Dunn