Re: Emotional AI (again)

Michael Lorrey (
Sat, 25 Jan 1997 23:50:55 -0500

Eliezer Yudkowsky wrote:
> [Damien Broderick:]
> > Just skimmed a rave review, by neuroscientist Keith Oatley in 6 Jan NEW
> > SCIENTIST, of a new book by Joseph Le Doux called, maybe, THE EMOTIONAL
> > MIND or THE EMOTIONAL BRAIN. Oatley adverts to Damasio's DESCARTES' ERROR
> > (Damasio's Error being not to call it DESCARTES'S ERROR), which he (rightly)
> > considers a pretty classy attack on the problem; but he likes Le Doux's book
> > even better. It's all in the amygdala, doncha know. Well, a lot of it.
> A common misconception. Descartes' Error is correct; so is Moses'
> Bible. Chalmers's philosophy or Janet Morris's science fiction is
> another matter. You see, *ancient* names *are* apostrophe-only. Modern
> names are apostrophe-and-s.
> --

Sorry, any name naturally ending in s gets an apostrophe only when in
the posessive. I don't know what school of non grammer you learned at,
but that was something I did definitely learn.


Michael Lorrey ------------------------------------------------------------ President Northstar Technologies Agent Inventor of the Lorrey Drive

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