Re: REPRODUCTION: choosing embryos

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Mon Feb 18 2002 - 12:40:46 MST

On Mon, 18 Feb 2002, Jacques Du Pasquier wrote:

> It doesn't mean it WILL be happy: this doesn't entirely depends on
> you. It may kill itself because it finds life is crap in general, or
> its own in particular: you will be sad. You are giving life to someone
> else, distinct from you, with its own trajectory. You just give some
> support for the initial part, until it can steer itself, and bon
> voyage.

And this may be sufficient justification for the process. The
simple pleasure of placing a boat with a sail and a hull
and a rudder into a lake so that one may observe the course
it follows (and potentially what it might teach you about
using the wind and currents to its best advantage) may be
sufficient. You may learn nothing or you may learn a great deal.
Perhaps the entire point to having children is to increase the volume
of phase space that is explored so one does not view taking
the "road less travelled" as a "prison" march. There is hope
in wondering about the paths that others may choose to follow.


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