Re: CLIMATE: Cooling, not warming...

From: Mike Linksvayer (
Date: Mon Feb 04 2002 - 14:16:10 MST

On Mon, Feb 04, 2002 at 11:51:30AM -0800, Damien Raphael wrote:
> Out of curiosity... if it _were_ proven beyond scientific doubt that
> our emissions were warming up the planet, to dangerous levels, what
> would the libertarian response be? Note that "suing the polluter" isn't
> obviously effective here, since the polluters are just about everyone.

I'd support an increased energy/greenhouse tax in lieu of some of
our other taxes. The only reason I'm not on that bandwagon now is
that I don't really believe other taxes would be decreased or
eliminated as a consequence of higher energy taxes.
> Conversely, one Drextech scenario has been people sucking so much CO2
> out of the atmosphere to build diamondoid structures with that a new Ice
> Age gets triggered. Same question applies.

Against the backdrop of full Drextech I suspect a new ice age would
be a relatively insignificant change.

FWIW: Claim SLvl - 1 m rise in Sea Levee
By 2030, the greenhouse effect and other causes will have raised
the average world sea level by 1 meter from its 1994 level.
Last traded at 30.

  Mike Linksvayer

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