Re: CLIMATE: Cooling, not warming...

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Mon Feb 04 2002 - 00:08:50 MST

Sean Kenny wrote:

> This isn't necessarily evidence that global warming isn't happening. Climatic
> scientists are pretty much agreed that we are undergoing massive climate
> change all over the planet. The arguement seems to me to be about whether
> this is down to human activity or whether this is the natural pattern of
> activity of the worlds climatic systems. In other words - the world is
> getting warmer, but this is normal and we better get used to it.

This could cause the unbearable situation that change is taking
place and there is no one to sue. And nothing to protest against.
Perfectly good activist energies could go to waste.

This is a global version of the perfect ice problem: the real challenge
is how to stay in one place. Will we get to the point where we use
our technologies to try to keep the earth's climate exactly the same
as it is today? Why? spike

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