Re: The Quest for the Purpose of Life

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Wed Jan 23 2002 - 07:55:47 MST

>From: "Chen Yixiong, Eric" <>

>Topic Question: "What is the meaning/purpose of life?"

The purpose of life is to create more life.

The purpose of life is to take that which is not life, and to turn
it into life.

The purpose of life is also to create more complex forms of life,
by creating us life has achieved consciousness.

Life can now not only learn to understand itself, but has created
the best tool yet to help it achieve it's purpose.

As part of life, our purpose is to help life create not only more
life, but to create more complex forms of life.

Our life will have meaning when we work toward our true purpose.

Our purpose in life is to help others.

Hope this helps...


Extropy Institute,
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