Re: What could stop the Singularity?

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Mon Jan 07 2002 - 10:06:19 MST

>From: "John Clark" <>

>How about a simple virus mutation? Something as deadly as Ebola
>and as contagious as the common cold might spread so fast that
>scientists would have no time to study it. Compared with other
>mammals there is remarkably little genetic variation in the Human
>Race so it is at least conceivable that one very bad bug could
>cause an extinction, sort of like a Dutch Elm Disease for people.
>I'm not expecting it to happen but it's something to think about.

How about a bug deliberately engineered by militant <fill in the
blank> fundamentalists?


Extropy Institute,
National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
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