RE: extropians-digest V5 #81

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Fri Mar 24 2000 - 16:17:41 MST

On Fri, 24 Mar 2000, Edward Case wrote:

> I'd like to ask about DHEA and other supplements. I want to extend my
> youth, bring my receding hairline back and quit all my unhealthy vices.
> I also am starting CLA.

I can share at least two of those three goals (I rather enjoy some of
my unhealthy vices). It always puzzles me, though, how willing
otherwise rational people seem to be to pump untested drugs (especially
powerful hormones like DHEA) into their bodies. If a company tried to
sell a pill that you could pop into your gas tank and claimed it would
cause your car to double its fuel efficiency and ride smoother and last
longer, he'd be in justly jailed for fraud within the week. But let
someone make those same claims about your body instead of your car, and
he gets listed as a valuable resource on people's web sites.

I'm all for abolishing the FDA, deregulating drugs, and doing every
experiment under the sun--even on myself. But I'm really disappointed
in the life-extension movement's tolerance of drug pushers who don't
do even the simplest tests of safety and efficancy.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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