Basic Science/ Speculative: Reactionless Drive

Date: Thu Mar 16 2000 - 17:46:44 MST

It seems to me that a reactionless "drive" already exists.

Consider any given volume of gas. Heat that gas. The gas expands. That
is....the velocity of the individual molecules of the gas increase.

Get rid of all the molecules except for one. Add energy to that
molecule....what happens?

I speculate that it's velocity increases. How?

 "For ever action there is an equal and opposite reaction"

Regarding the above mentioned solitary molecule how does that follow?

Am I correct in these assumptions?

Assuming for the moment that I am correct then it would appear that by adding
energy at the molecular level velocity is imparted without the need of
reaction mass being ejected in the other direction.

Wildwood Florida.

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