regarding Robert's comments about pace of life and cryonics...

From: john grigg (
Date: Thu Mar 16 2000 - 16:41:18 MST

Robert wrote:
Where you are living,it may take 30+ years to watch the restaurants turnover
(once per generation????) & that is probably interesting.

Anchorage is a prosperous town and we have alot of restaurants, with a
number of new ones opening each year. Nothing compared to a big metropolis
I'm sure, but you would be impressed based on the size of our population. I
know a nice little Aleut place down the corner! You have never eaten Aleut?

you wrote:
However, the *main* point to my "freeze young" proposal was in the context
where "young" means mentally "adept"or "flexible". It is an open question
regarding the degree to which the brain "solidifies" as one accumulates
experiences,but it is clear that diseases like Alzheimer's, if allowed to
progress, give you a *clearly* different brain than the one you might like
to be able to recover.

Gotcha! I understand now. This is a major reason why a person should take
good care of their body and also why physican assisted deanimation would be
nice. Get suspended while you are still in good shape. I would be willing
to have five or ten years shaved off my lifespan for that.

We can still say 'freeze young' to appear sexy and cool like those 'die
young, leave a good-looking corpse' people. lol!! And then put up a picture
of poor James Dean.

you wrote:
I'll offer to play the role of the technocrat who thinks tecnology will
solve all the problems, only to discover that solving one set leads to the
creation of another leading me to retire to reflect on the circular nature
of life on a beach in Costa Rica.

And then as you are lying on that beach some native thug will kill you and
take your valuables! :( A fitting end to such a sad tale. Or as an
alternative ending, you will take out your pistol at the last moment and
kill your attacker! Thus proving the importance of the current gun thread!

best regards,

John Grigg

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