Re: near anything boxes allowed to br in the hands of the public?

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Mon Mar 13 2000 - 14:05:00 MST

>> Your phrase, "an organization that fights to keep more guns than people
>> in circulation" is obviously pejorative and not conducive to polite
>> disagreement. Please reconsider using such language.

> I politely disagree. A statement of fact, no matter how blunt, is
> neither pejorative nor inconducive to polite disagreement. If I had
> called the NRA and its sympathizers "violent antisocial irrational
> paranoid maniacs," *that* would be pejorative.

Your so-called statement of fact is a statement about the desired goal
of an organization. Since it is contrary to the publicly stated goals
of that organization, and contrary to the personal goals of everyone I
have ever met who belongs to that organization it is not only pejorative
but clearly a delibrate lie to discredit an opponent you know little
about rather than having to do the hard work of arguing actual facts.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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