Re: extro fools day

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Mon Mar 13 2000 - 11:28:36 MST

> OK, Ive an idea. We can intentionally corrupt the never-forgetting
> permanent internet database with a little game: we can declare a
> specific day for writing parodies of each other and posting them.
> Then at any time in the future, if Dan F. asks "do you deny having
> written the following..." then we must truthfully answer, I dont know,
> let me see it. This scheme will provide truthful deniability, forever.
> Heres how it works. Since April fools day is coming up and extropians
> do everything a little more than others, let us declare Sunday 2 April
> extro fools day. On that day we pick our favorite extropian(s), write
> a parody of their posts, immitating their style, etc, preferably with
> a comic twist. We send that person the parody at which time, if
> they are in a playful mood, they post as is, or modify, etc.

I like the idea, but I'd leave it on April 1: that's been kind of a
net-head holiday for along time anyway, and rather than sending the
parodies to their subjects I'd just post them forged (of course those
of us without a dedicated server will have to get a friend to do that).

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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